Search Results

Records 31 to 45 of 225

Test Date CAS Number Material Name Chemical Name Material Type ISO File
1/2/2003 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 030102A1
1/2/2003 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 030102A5
12/23/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021223A5
12/23/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021223A4
12/23/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021223A3
12/23/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021223A2
12/23/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021223A1
12/19/2002 9002-88-4 Polyethylene Poly(methylene) Thermoplastic PE 021219A4
12/19/2002 9002-88-4 Polyethylene Poly(methylene) Thermoplastic PE 021219A1
12/19/2002 9002-88-4 Polyethylene Poly(methylene) Thermoplastic PE 021219A3
12/19/2002 9002-88-4 9002-88-4 9002-88-4 9002-88-4 Polyethylene Poly(methylene) Thermoplastic PE 021219A5
12/19/2002 9002-88-4 Polyethylene Poly(methylene) Thermoplastic PE 021219A2
12/10/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021210A5
12/10/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021210A4
12/10/2002 9003-53-6 Polystyrene Poly(1-phenylethene) Thermoplastic PS 021210A3
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