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Records 986 to 990 of 1061

J.R. Mawhinney
This paper discusses a number of practical issues relating to the design of water mist fire suppression systems. There is presently a lot of interest among fire safety engineers in using water mist systems as an alternative to halon, on the basis that the mist will act like a gaseous suppression agent to fill all recesses of a compartment. Although there is a growing confidence that water mist systems can successfully extinguish flammable liquid pool fires and high pressure jet fires with small amounts of water, engineering criteria are needed to allow designers to match a water mist system to a range of fire scenarios and compartment types. This paper draws a parallel between the long-established practices for design of standard sprinkler systems, which allow any experienced designer to custom-fit a sprinkler system to a wide variety of fuels and buildings, and the need for similar design principles for the design of water mist systems. Research being carried out by various research agencies has just begun to document the information required to establish general design criteria for mist systems.

Starting with the need to define both the fire hazard and the fire safety objective, this paper presents information on characterizing sprays suitable for water mist systems. It points out the macro-scale effects in large volume compartments cause agglomeration of droplets, so that what starts out as a very fine spray ends up as a much coarser spray. It also points out that the types of nozzles available for producing suitable fine sprays have, at best, fairly high pressure demands and in the case of air-atomizing nozzles, very high compressed air demands. These factors set a practical limit on the size of compartment that can be produced in a cost-effective way by total flooding systems. An alternative to total flooding systems for larger compartments would be zoned piping linked to a sophisticated detection system. Much experimental work will be needed to validate such systems.
1.96 MB
William D. Davis, Leonard Y. Cooper
This is a User Guide for the computer code LAVENT (Link-Actuated VENTS) and an associated graphics code GRAPH. LAVENT has developed to simulate the environment and the response of sprinkler links in compartment fires with draft curtain and fusible link actuated ceiling vents.

A fire scenario simulated by LAVENT is defined by the following input parameters: area and height of the curtained space; floor to bottom of curtain separation distance; length of the curtain ( a portion of the perimeter of the curtained space can include floor to ceiling walls); thickness and properties of the ceiling material (density, thermal conductivity, and heat capacity); constants which define a specified time-dependent energy release rate of the fire; fire elevation; area of characteristic energy release rate per unit area of the fire; total area of ceiling vents whose openings are actuated by a single fusible link (multiple vent area/link system combinations are allowed in any particular simulation); and identifying numbers of fusible links used to actuate single sprinkler heads or groups of sprinkler (multiple sprinkler links are allowed in any particular simulation).
1.25 MB
John Marcy
The test program was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of Fluorel as a coating agent to increase the flame resistance of typical cabin interior materials.
1.44 MB
Murray Jacobson
Facts obtained by the Bureau of Mines on the dust explosion hazards in air of materials used in the plastics industry are presented for 313 samples studied in the laboratory.
1.56 Mb
Robert L. Altman
When fuel leak onto surfaces of an operating engine they can ignite when engine case temperature exceed 540 degrees C (1000 degrees F). As aircraft flight speeds are increased, engine case temperatures, bleed air temperatures, maximum air velocities, and fire extinguishment storage temperature requirements also increase, making the task of extinguishing fuel-leak fires in flight even more difficult. We have undertaken to find new fire extinguish ants that are more effective than the CF3Br, CF2Br2, and CF2C1Br now in use. Besides testing commercially available dry chemicals, such as NaHCO3, KHCo3, KC1, and KC2N2H2)3 (ICI Monnex), we have tried to develop and test new dry powder fire extinguishants. Specifically, our interest has been in developing new dry-powder extinguishants that, when discharged into a jet engine fuel-leak fire, would stick to the hot surfaces. Moreover, after putting out the initial fire, these extinguishants would act as anti-resignation catalysts, even when the fuel continued to leak onto the heated surface.
784 KB
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