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Records 771 to 775 of 1061

Gerald Slusher
An accelerated test procedure was developed for possible use to enhance and demonstrate the airworthiness of exhaust systems of single engine aircraft incorporating exhaust gas-to-air heat exchangers. The exhaust systems of seven aircraft were endurance tested on engine stands to determine if the types of failures occurring during the tests were similar to failure occurring in aircraft and to identify design features for minimizing hazards. Evaluation of an exhaust system fabricated of a more corrosion resistant material was included. Testing was conducted either until failure occurred or 600 test hours were accumulated.

The accelerated test schedule and procedure produced failures comparable to those occurring in aircraft with 1 hour of testing equivalent on the average to 3.8 hours of operation in aircraft. It was concluded that the utilization of more corrosion-resistant, nickel iron chromium material would significantly reduce or eliminate those exhaust system failures resulting from high temperature oxidation or corrosion, and that muffler failures and related carbon monoxide hazards could be minimized by the design and construction of airtight cabin ventilating systems in conjunction with the incorporation of muffler designs of the axial flow through type fabricated of a more corrosion-resistant materials.
4.54 MB
James W. Gauntner
Flow characteristics of single jets impinging on flat surfaces have been studied by many investigators. The results of some of the numerous studies are summarized herein. Suggested methods for determining velocities and pressures on which to base heat transfer correlations for use in impingement cooling design are presented.
933 KB
B. Belason, G. Castle, D. Crowley
The people who did much of he test work in the search for suitable heat shield material for the Apollo spacecraft have turned their attention toward fire protection through materials. The authors are part of a thermodynmics laboratory term that is studying the thermal behavior of newly developed materials.
573 KB
Joseph J. Jaglowski, Jr.
This feasibility study and system development demonstrated the use of liquid explosives to provide emergency exits in commercial transport aircraft. During the course of the study, linear-shaped tubing systems of various designs and materials were fabricated and tested in an attempt to obtain the best cutting efficiency with a minimum of explosive charge. Energy-absorbent shields molded from laminated fiberglass reinforced plastics were fabricated and evaluated. The purpose of the shield was to provide protection against overpressures and fragments produced as the result of the detonation of the linear-shaped charge. A system to automatically mix the two components while simultaneously pumping them into the linear-shaped tube loop and to initiate the charge was designed, fabricated and tested.
4.64 MB
American National Standards Institute
This method covers a laboratory procedure for measuring and observing the relative amounts of smoke produced by the burning or decomposition of plastics. It is intended to be used for measuring the smoke producing characteristics of plastics under controlled conditions of combustion or decomposition. Correlation with other fire conditions is not necessarily implied. The measurement is made in terms of the loss of light transmission through a collected volume of smoke produced under controlled, standardized conditions. The apparatus is constructed so that the flame and smoke can be observed during the test
395 LB
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